This is the documentation for concrete5 version 5.6 and earlier. View Current Documentation

I've noticed that a lot of people want to change the block of code the form block sends by e-mail when a user submits the form. There does not seem to be a how-to so I thought I would give it a go.

1.) Start by going to this directory: concrete5 root/system/mail

2.)Once at this directory copy the file named: block_form_submission.php

3.) Go back to the root of your concrete 5 directory and create a folder named "mail". Your new directory should have this path: concrete5 root/mail

4.) Copy block_form_submission.php to your new mail directory. This will ensure that your new form submission message is not overwritten by future versions of concrete5. You can also revert back to the default message by deleting your new block_form_submission.php file.

5.) In your new file, open it up in your favorite text editor and go to line 10. The line should start like this:

$body = t("
There has been a submission of the form %s through your concrete5 website.

6.) Make sure to leave the "%s" elements in. This is data pertaining to the form. The first "%s" is the form's name. The second "%s" is the values submitted through each question on the form. The third "%s" is a link to your form's results on your site.

7.) You can now edit this message to your heart's desire. All of your forms now will send this e-mail when a form is submitted on your site.

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