To create modal dialogs on dashboard single pages in packages, the following steps are necessary (assuming the package already exists):
Creating the following supplementary files / folders (for sake of readability):
The 'my_dialog' controller should look like this:
namespace Concrete\Package\MyPackage\Controller\Dialog;
use Concrete\Core\Controller\Controller;
class MyDialog extends Controller
protected $viewPath = 'dialogs/my_dialog';
public function view()
/** your code */
The 'my_dialog' view is a standard Concrete5 view.
Add (if not exists) the following method inside the package controller:
public function on_start()
Now in the single page view:
My dialog
$('a[data-button=add-event]').on('click', function() {
href: '',
title: 'My dialog',
width: '280',
height: '220',
modal: true
return false;
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