This How-To is similar to "Moving a site"
In this how-to the site is located in and we want it in
1. Disable pretty urls if you have them enabled.
2. Disable and clear the cache.
(NOTE: In concrete5 version 5.5+ you will not see the 2 lines below, you can skip step 4)
3. open /<subdir>/config/site.php, and find these 2 lines:
define('BASE_URL', '');
define('DIR_REL', '/concrete5');
We will change the DIR_REL line like so:
define('DIR_REL', '');
4. Now we will move the site, you can either move the contents of the /concrete5 folder up a directory, or if you have ssh you can use *nix commands (mv)
5. After all the files are moved you can visit your site at, now you can login, enable pretty urls, enable the cache, and re-run the maintenance jobs.
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