This is the documentation for concrete5 version 5.6 and earlier. View Current Documentation

You can control which groups (or users) have access to certain administrative functions within concrete5 from this interface:


  • Access Sitemap - Lets selected users & groups use the sitemap when picking page links. 
  • Change Task Permissions - This allows users or groups to alter task permissions (what we're working with right now) for themselves and others. This option is typically only enabled for site administrators.
  • Install Packages  - Allows or prevents users from installing new add-ons/themes and downloading additional packages from the marketplace.
  • Uninstall Packages - Alllows users to remove packaged add-ons and themes from your site.
  • View Newsflow  - Allows users with Dashboard access to view daily "Newsflow" community content when first logging into a site.
  • Perform Backups - This setting includes or excludes the users and groups you've selected from using the built-in concrete5 database backup tool.
  • Access Task Permissions - If you want to allow other users to change Task Permissions, or exclude specific administrative users from doing so, this is where to go.
  • Access Page Type Defaults - Control who can view and edit default blocks on your site's Page Types.
  • Empty Trash - Determine who can permanently delete pages from your Sitemap's trash can.


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