General File Helper Functions
The following functions are useful for any file (and not concrete5-specific)
Loading the Helper
$fh = Loader::helper(‘file’);
$files = $fh->getDirectoryContents($path, $ignoreFilesArray = array()
Returns an array of files found in directory $path, ignoring any filenames found in $ignoreFilesArray, and any that begin with a dot.
$r = $fh->unfilename($filename)
Removes the extension of a filename, unhandles it.
print $fh->unfilename(‘my_custom_template.php’); // outputs “My Custom Template”
$fh->copyAll($source, $target, $mode = ‘0777’)
Recursively copies all items in the source directory to the target directory.
Takes a path to a file and sends it to the browser, streaming it, and closing the HTTP connection afterwards.
$path = $fh->getTemporaryDirectory()
Returns the full path to the temporary directory.
$fh->append($filename, $content)
Adds content to a new line in a file. If a file is not there it will be created.
$fh->getContents($file, $timeout = 5)
Just a consistency wrapper for file_get_contents. Should use curl if it exists and fopen isn't allowed. Will also work with remote files/URLs.
Uses file_put_contents to clear a file.
Cleans up a filename and returns the cleaned up version.
$extension = $fh->getExtension($filename)
Returns the extension for a file name.
$filename = $fh->replaceExtension($filename, $extension)
Takes a path and replaces the files extension in that path with the specified extension.
General Image Helper Functions
The following functions are useful for working with images.
Loading the Helper
$im = Loader::helper(‘image’);
$im->create($originalPath, $newPath, $width, $height)
Creates a new image given an original path, a new path, a target width and height. Should retain file type and transparency.
$r = $im->getThumbnail($obj, $width, $height)
Returns a path to the specified item, resized to meet max width and height. $obj can either be a string (path) or a file object. Returns a PHP object with the following properties set
- src - the relative path to the image (useful for display in browsers)
- width - the new width of the image
- height - the new height of the image.
$im->outputThumbnail($obj, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $alt = null, $return = false, $crop = false)
Runs getThumbnail on the $obj argument, and prints out an IMG tag.
$im->output($obj, alt = ‘’)
Only takes a concrete5 File objects as its argument. Prints out the IMG tag for the object.