This is the documentation for concrete5 version 5.6 and earlier. View Current Documentation


We use the following area names in our default themes. Names in italics are what should be used (text after the bolded names describe exactly what this area typically contains.)

  • Header Nav - This area holds the header autonavigation block. This is typically the "top level" pages on a site.
  • Header - This area holds the header image.
  • Main - This is the template's main content area.
  • Sidebar - This area is present if the template contains a sidebar.

Adding areas:

If you find you need an additional area in your template, feel free to add one. However, if your area is semantically connected to any of the above, you should name it as {Area Name} {Number}. So, if you're adding a second main content area - for perhaps a second main column that is separate from a sidebar - name that area "Main 2".


The following templates are included in the stock C5 themes. If you include new template files, C5 will offer to automatically create page types from them - but if you reuse the ones that ship with C5 it will be easier to switch between your theme and others.

  • default.php - This template is required. All themes must include it, as it will be used if a particular page type does not have a corresponding theme in your template.
  • view.php - This template is not required but encouraged. This will likely be similar to default.php but should contain this code below inside it. This is used for single pages.

        <?php print $innerContent; ?>
  • left_sidebar.php - For pages where the sidebar is on the left.

  • full.php - For pages where there is no sidebar.
  • home.php - A specific home page template.
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