This is the documentation for concrete5 version 5.6 and earlier. View Current Documentation

In the controllers on_start() method do the following:

public function on_start()
    // *******************   Demo Override *************
    $u = new User();
    // If the user is not admin (uID 1)
    // or not logged in yet (uID NULL).
    // The uID != NULL is used to be able to login the  demo user
    // Or yourself!
    if ($u->uID != '1' && $u->uID != NULL) {
        $page = Page::getByPath(str_replace('index.php/', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
        $allowedPages = array(

        $session = \Core::make('session');
        $continue = false;
        foreach($allowedPages as $e){
            if(strpos($page->getCollectionPath(), $e) !== false || strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'login/logout') !== false){
                $continue = true;
            $session->set('no_access', t('This is a demo site. You don\'t have access to the page \'%s\'', $page->getCollectionName()));
            $response = \Redirect::to('/dashboard/your_package_starting_page');
    // *******************   Demo Override *************
   // Here goes the rest of the on_start method

And in the starting single page of your package you add the following code:

$session = \Core::make('session');
$m = $session->get('no_access');
if($session->has('no_access')) {
    // Naturally you'll do some HTML message box in here, but it doesn't seem to be possible inside a HowTo
    print $m;
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