File Uploader Access Entity
This special access entity is available on the File Manager Permissions page, and can be used to control how the user that "owns" a file can manage only their own uploads via the File Manager.
These settings control who can access the File Manager on your site.
- View Files - The access entity can view and download files that you've uploaded to the File Manager.
- Search Files in File Manager- If users have been granted access to the File Manager, they can search files by various properties (name, description, etc)
- Edit File Properties - Grants access to alter files' properties, such as name, description, and file attributes.
- Edit File Contents - The selected access entities are allowed to use the built-in image editor to crop, rotate and resize images.
- Copy File - Allows access entities to duplicate a file.
- Edit File Access - Access entities can change a file's password and storage location.
- Delete File Set - Access entities can remove an existing file set.
- Delete File - Files can be deleted from the File Manager.
- Add File - Grant this access if you'd like access entities to be able to add new files to the File Manager.
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